Scieldas Documentation

Detailed Information

Detailed Information

Supported Image Types

The Scieldas service exposes 2 endpoints for each badge - a .svg and a .png. It is advisable to use the png endpoint for when you cannot guarantee that the Inconsolata font will be available, like on Github, as the svg buttons will not render correctly otherwise. For example:


Will return the .svg file, whereas:


Will return the .png equivalent.

Supported Metadata Services

Travis CI

Endpoint: /travis/<user>/<repo>.svg

Travis Build Passing Travis Build Failing Travis Build Unknown

Read The Docs

Endpoint: /rtd/<project>.svg

Read The Docs Build Passing Read The Docs Build Failing Read The Docs Build Unknown


Endpoint: /coveralls/<source>/<user>/<project>.svg

Coveralls test coverage



Endpoint: /pypi/version/<project>.svg

PyPI Version

Python Versions

Endpoint: /pypi/pyversions/<project>.svg

Python Versions

PePy Downloads

Endpoint: /pepy/<project>.svg

PePy Downloads

Docker Hub

Endpoint: /dockerhub/build/<user>/<repo>.svg

Docker Build Passing Docker Build Failing Docker Build Building Docker Build Unknown


Endpoint: /licenses/<license>.svg

Valid licenses are Apache, GPL, and MIT.

Apache 2.0 license GPL license MIT license

Code Styles

Endpoint: /styles/<style>.svg

Valid styles are black, yapf and autopep8.

Black Yapf AutoPEP8
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